Monthly Archives for October 2013

Reason’s why London is one of the Best City’s in the World!

Stories and Travel Info - Amanda - October 19, 2013

Visitors to London, England are sure to find something they like in this a cosmopolitan wonder land that mixes modern diversion with a full array of historical sites. Now the reasons for visiting the city are many, and in some ways are created by each individual who comes here, but this article endeavors to let out a few reasons we think you should visit London. Beyond the bevy of pubs and monuments there is a pathos in London that few, if any place, can match. Some of the reasons to visit London include:


The Greasy Spoons
Okay, so we know that the world has gotten a lot healthier over the last decade. Burgers and fries are frowned upon while salads and organic vegetables are all the rage. All the latter can be found in London, but thank fully also can the former. There are plenty of great places to sit down and get a high calorie, greasy breakfast or lunch. What makes matters better is that the Brits don’t bother with feeling bad for eating this way, it’s just the way it has always been.

London Town is full of edgy fashion. There is the traditional high street designer wears in places like Chelsea and Kensington High Street as well as a range of even more trendy, and thankfully cheaper options, in the North and East ends of the city. In the north, the bohemian fun of Camden Market is full of edgy clothes and printed T-shirts. While Bricklane in the easts upmarket inside of the old Truman Brewery is filled with young designers peddling their vintage wears and jewelry.

The Taxi’s
London Black cabs are a well known tradition in the nation’s capital. Having maintained a similar look for decades, it’s a full blown tourist spectacle to take a ride in one of them… just don’t go to far as taxies in London cost an arm and a leg.

Great Coffee
London is one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities! There are more than 400, 000 French men and scores more from around the globe. What this means is that you are assured to get a great cup of coffee… not some spewing blackness that you would get other places. Whatever you favourite way to have a cup of coffee there are scores of Italian, Portuguese, Scandinavian, Antipodean or French cafes to make it for you.

The Pub
No where in the world is the pub as adored as in London. Long the working man’s living room, people in London regularly enjoy a little bit of libation after work. Why not take some memorable London tours to find your favourite spot in the city – be it Camden, Soho, Covenant Garden… – and go into a good old boozer while you’re there, to enjoy some London ambiance as it was intended, down in the pub.

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Cusco the Gem of Peru

Best Destinations, World Travel - Amanda - October 10, 2013

Truly one of the most stunning cities of Peru, and South America for that matter, is Cusco. Filled with a variety of ancient temple, monuments and plazas on its own Cusco is a place that definitely must be visited. Combine all of this with Cuzco’s proximity to Manchu Picchu – the famous Inca capital – and you have a very special vacationing location indeed. Though most visitors focus on seeing Manchu Picchu it is a mistake not to enjoy the sights and sounds of Cusco as well! A few of the best things to do in Cusco include.


Plaza de Armas
Portal de Comercio, Historic Center
Plaza de Armas’ long history stretches back to the time of the Inca Empire. The Inca’s originally built this square – which had been twice its present size – for ceremonies and festivals. The Inca’s considered the plaza to be the exact centre of their empire. Within this very same square the Spanish conquistadors constructed both La Compañia and the Cathedral which both were built in the location of the former Inca Palace. In contemporary times visitors to the city enjoy the combination of both Spanish and Andean history as well as the overall buzz and energy that is in the plaza. Plaza de Armas is located in Cusco’s historic centre and is easy to locate.

Machu Picchu
Remarkable Manch Picchu was not discovered by the Spanish for hundreds of years during their South American conquest. The aptly named “lost city of the Incas” is a matrix of temples, aqueducts, and gardens that were hidden away in the mountains and hills of the Peruvian country side. A few of the most beloved locations within Manchu Picchu include Funeral Rock, the House of the Terrace Caretaker, the Temple of the Sun – which has a wealth of fantastic Incan masonry and architecture, the Temple of the Three Windows, which offers fantastic views over Machu Picchu from its trapezoidal lookouts. Last but not least visit the iconic Temple of the Condor, which was the ancient symbol of the Incans of the heavens. There are two ways to get to Manchu Picchu, either you can take the 24 mile trek along the Incan trail or take a Peru Rail train closer to the site. Trains depart every 15 minutes from downtown Cusco. Visitors must pick up a ticket from the Instituto Nacional de Cultural office in Cusco or Aguas Calientes for around $42 US dollars. Visitors are welcomes to Manchu Picchu from 6 am until 5 pm.

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